Cancer Questions to ask your Doctor or Oncologist

Cancer 10/10 Challenge - “Doctor, refer me to 10 patients who’re still cancer free after 10 years only following a chemo protocol.”

Rev. Smiley T. Papenfus – Tampa, FL, USA

Invest the time to educate yourself on the alternatives to harmful drugs.  Don’t be bullied, brushed off or intimidated.  Boldly ask the hard questions.  Your doctor might get very agitated, but it’s about your life, not his ease and profit.  He only knows the one option that uses drugs and has a 97% failure rate.  Use your God given common sense - be responsible to first know ALL your options so you can make your best decision.



– Can I take some time to think, pray and research my options?  (Don’t be rushed into chemotherapy - your cancer is 10, 20, 30 years in the making; a month of radically changing your diet and lifestyle will amaze you - you’ll know you’re on the right track when you feel your body beating the cancer, with life and strength surging back into your being).

– What caused my cancer in the first place?  (Does your doctor know? - an ignorant diet, toxicity, stress, lack of sunshine & exercise).

– When did my cancer start?  How many years did it take for the first cancer cells to grow to my current condition?  (Probably 10, 20 or 30 years).

– What are ALL my options(Does your doctor only have one option - poisonous drugs!  This should raise alarm bells, because there are other far more successful alternatives).

– Is chemotherapy a poisonous drug to the functions and organs of my body or a natural healer?

– How does it make sense to poison my body back to health, instead of overdosing on a highly nutritious organic diet, building up my body and immunity to do its job and fight off the cancer?

– Does chemotherapy actually heal cancer or just temporarily control it?

– What are ALL the side effects of chemotherapy?  Isn’t this dangerous to my longevity?

– What effect will chemotherapy have on my liver and kidney’s ability to cope with removing the excess toxic poisons being pumped into my body?  Can chemotherapy result in organ failure?

– Does chemotherapy suppress my immune system?  With poisonous drugs weakening my immune system, how will my body fight new cancer cells after chemotherapy?  Is that why most cancers come back with a vengeance 6 months to 2 years after chemotherapy?

– Isn’t it true that only the immune system can heal cancer.  There is no medical cure for cancer - there never will be.  We already have a cure for cancer - our healthy immune system.  So shouldn’t our goal be to strengthen my immune system with nutrition and not to destroy it with poisonous drugs?  (Every person has cancer cells - those with a healthy immune system are constantly destroying these cells - those with a weak immune system succumb to spreading cancerous tumors).

– What is the realistic success percentage rate (for my age) that I’ll still be healthy and cancer free in 10 years? → 97% Failure & 98.6% Failure.

– Isn’t it true that drugs don’t heal - only the body can fight back and heal itself when strengthened with a highly nutritious organic diet and toxic cleansing?

– What is cancer?  Isn’t it a fungus that dies in the presence of Baking Soda drunk with water?  (...but of course there are no profits in this cure).

– What kills cancer?  Doesn’t Vitamin B-17 (the kernel of apricots) kill cancer?  (...again, there are no profits in this proven cure).

– What changes must I make in my diet and lifestyle for my body to heal itself?  (Does your doctor even know and if he does why doesn’t he present this option and counsel you to first consider pure organic nutrition to build your body to heal itself for lasting results?)

– What are the top 10 cancer fighting foods & the top 10 cancer causing foods?  Why don’t you know?  Why wouldn’t you give me this option?

– If a bad diet, stress and a toxic environment caused my cancer, won’t radically reversing bad habits give my body the opportunity to heal itself?

– Don’t doctors get a sizable cut off prescribed oncology drugs?  Are you making money off my medication?  Isn’t this a serious conflict of interest, because I don’t want to be paying for your Mercedes at the expense of my life?  (Doctors make a sizable cut off Oncology drugs - they’re not allowed to make money prescribing any other drugs.  Why does the law allow this one exception?  Its immoral to buy off and silence a doctors conscience dangling big money in front of him at the expense of your life).

– Can you give me 10 of your cancer patients who’re still cancer free and healthy after 10 years?  I’d like to get reassurance from them how well chemotherapy worked for them.  If not, are there any still alive and healthy after 10 years?  Could you put this assurance in writing for me?

– Do you have my very best interests at heart - my long term health - to restore my body to excellent health, free from drugs?  Would harmful chemicals or pure organic nutrition best achieve long lasting results?  I don’t want to buy 6 months to 2 miserable years - I want my long term health back.  What route will best achieve that for me?



Chris Beat Cancer - Survivor Stories:- Kay  Dr.V  Julia  Jill  Ursula  Melyssa  Ann  Elaine  Liana  David  Cortney  Linda  Ivelisse  Shannon



Documentary:- ‘Cancer - The Forbidden Cures’ - a real eye opener - this is a genocide worse than the Holocaust - Charlotte Gerson.

Vigorously suppressing the successful alternative cures of cancer for over 70 years through blatant lies, cover-ups and deception, to make $Tillions on the graves of multi-millions of victims, is a crime worse than the Holocaust in the number of deaths - motivated by control and greed.  The truth has to be made known and the lies must be fully exposed using our freedom of speech over the internet - help get the message out!

Don’t be naïve - (in most cases) money trumps humanity - sadly it is a sick world we live in.

I don’t blame the majority of doctors - I fully blame ‘the bought’ corrupt system they’ve been indoctrinated in - controlled by BIG PHARMA, opportunistic super wealthy investors and their political cronies.

I’ll never support the ‘American Cancer Society’ - they’re extremely wealthy, poorly distribute funds and have no interest in sure inexpensive natural lasting cures - only in your dependency on their expensive drugs - that makes them pimps, protected by their lobbied laws.

There is potential huge losses for them in you being permanently healed through educated and applied nutrition, breaking your dependency on their harmful drugs.  They see 50,000,000 Americans (future cancer patients) needing their drugs at $50,000 per patient = $2,500,000,000,000 (2.5 trillion) - that’s astronomical wealth they’ll defend at any cost - even at the expense of your life by fear mongering and herding the ignorant sheep into their most profitable assembly line.

On a positive note the ER side of medicine does an amazing work, saving 1,000’s of lives everyday.



Spiritual and natural healing of cancer and ALL chronic diseases

World’s Healthiest Smoothie (for prevention - do mostly vegetable juicing for healing - up to 13 glasses a day and coffee enema’skit)

Faith for Healing


Alkaline Water CureAsk Abby - An Experienced Health Counselor10 Most Dangerous Prescription Drugs


Smiley & Marlene PapenfusTampa, FL, USA

WhySmiley  Making Real Estate Dreams Reality


Equipping the Saints for the Work of the Ministry Through the Bible in a Year Courses (...& Page Dn to the bottom)


Related keyword phrases: cancer, 10/10, challenge, questions, ask, doctor, oncologist, healed, patients, still, healthy, 10, years, later