The World’s Healthiest Smoothie - not just a Healthy Smoothie, but a Healing Smoothie

28 Healthy Ingredients - make it with what you’ve got - you don’t have to include everything

Rev. Smiley T. Papenfus – Tampa, FL, USA

Rev 22:1-2 (NAU) Then he showed me a river of the WATER of LIFEclear as crystal…  [Our body is 70% water and needs 5-8 glasses of pure alkaline water everyday {between meals - quit drinking ½ hour before eating & resume drinking 2-3 hours after eating} - this highly oxygenated water is LIFE to the blood and every cell in our body - helping to keep our blood/body alkaline {i.e. free from sickness} - READ Consumer Guide on].

2      ...On either side of the river was the tree of LIFE, bearing...fruit...and the leaves of the tree were for the HEALING of the nations.

Ezek 47:12 (NAU) "By the river…bank...grow all {kinds of} treestheir fruit will be for food & their leaves for HEALING."

God has given us plant life for our healing and to maintain excellent health.  Most chronic disease patients are overfed, but under-nourished (nutritionally starved) - because the brain senses little nutritional value in processed fast foods, we overeat.  Our body won’t heal with poisonous drugs, but will miraculously respond to an overdose of pure organic nutrition, combined with aggressive detoxification (of which 5-8 glasses of pure alkaline water plays a huge role).


HEALING SMOOTHIE - your best high energy breakfast - listed in 5 specific layers to blend perfectly - don’t be perturbed by the ingredients you don’t have; make it with what you do have - your greens are very important

3 Items ~ 12 Natural Almonds (protein); 1-2 Tbsp’s of Flax seeds (omega 3 - 50517); 2-3 Bitter Apricot kernels (anti-cancer B17 - from Amazon).


7 Items ~ 3 Alfalfa tablets (63628); 1 BioPerine tablet (an extract of ‘Black Pepper Fruit’ (multiplies the absorption of turmeric & other herbs by up to 2,000% - 78713); 1 Vitamin B tablet (62613); 1 Chewable Vitamin C tablet (62467); 1 Selenium (anti-cancer) tablet (53941); ½ A tsp of Glycine (a healthy Amino-acid {protein} sweetener - 50336); ¼ Tsp of blended/ground Cinnamon sticks (has a very strong flavor, as does Broccoli sprouts, Ginger, Turmeric, Celery & bitter Apricot kernels.  Turmeric is an anti-cancer herb, a potent anti-oxidant to heal the body.)


7 Items ~ A handful of fresh or frozen Strawberries (and/or Mixed Berries); ½ A fresh or frozen Banana; A 2" Turmeric root; A 1" Cube of fresh Ginger root; A large handful of Baby Carrots; ¼-½ A stick of Celery.


7 Items ~ A Handful of chopped Collards (or 2 large folded leaves); 2 Tbsp’s of harvested pulp or liquid Aloe Vera; ½ A peeled Lemon; A bunch of grown Broccoli Sprouts (4-5 days - from Amazon); 12 Fresh Mint Leaves; ½ A leaf of Callisia Fragrans (also called ‘Family Doctor’ or ‘Heals 100 Ailments’); ½ A washed & double wiped Cucumber.


4 Items ~ A Handful of chopped Kale (or 2 large folded leaves); A slice of any Melon (watermelon, honeydew, yellow, galia, cantaloupe); 3 Drops of ConcenTrace magnesium (the #1 mineral for energy) with all 72 trace minerals; A full glass of pure Neutral Water.  Without melon or cucumber you’ll need to add a bit more pure Neutral Water.


Tip: A quality blender (like Blendtec {program 4} with a WildSide+ large jar) makes a super smooth smoothie.

Tip: I get most of my vitamins and supplements at a discount price from - ITEM #’s ABOVE.

Tip: We buy large packets of Collards and Kale that lasts us a week.  We put a ‘BluApple’ (from Abby’s Health & Nutrition store in Tampa) into each packet to keep it fresh longer; alternatively we freeze it in 7 zip-lock bags to last us the week.

Tip: Grow your own health garden - Google ‘Tower Garden’ and ‘Vertical Hydrogarden’ - watch some video’s.

Tip: Google how to grow Broccoli Sprouts - a fun project for the kids to take on - get them interested in health.

Tip: We bought 6 Aloe Vera plants at Home Depot and planted them in our garden.  Look on how to harvest Aloe Vera and plant more plants from the pups of an existing plant.

Tip: We planted a Mint bush in the bottom corner of our garden - it needs plenty of room because it grows like crazy.

Tip: Buy a Callisia fragrans hanging plant for your house or garden.  It’s also called ‘Family Doctor’ or ‘Heals 100 Ailments’.

Tip: Cut a Melon in half, then in quarter, and cut each quarter in half or third slices to store in a sealed container.  Cover the other half melon with aluminum foil and keep refrigerated.

Tip: You can get ConcenTrace from your local health food store or (‘BluApple’ also available here).

Tip: Research Alkaline Water at - my #1 lifestyle change that began the re-set of my health (but never with meals).

Tip: Google the health benefits of Aloe Vera, Ginger, Turmeric, Cinnamon, etc. - they all do wonders for the human body.

Tip: Adding Black Pepper Fruit extract increases the body’s absorption of Turmeric and other healthy herbs by 2,000%.

Tip: Chewing is the first process is digestion - it releases a digestive enzyme as your salvia mixes with the food.  Since you’re not chewing a smoothie these digestive enzymes are lacking.  Swallow a digestive enzyme (67172) before drinking your smoothie.



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